Dr. Jiafeng Yu obtained her BSc at Dalian Universityof Technology (DUT) and her PhD in industrial catalysis from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) in 2011. She studied at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany as a visiting scholar in 2013. She is now an associate professor of the Small Carbon Molecules & Hydrogen Utilization Group in the Dalian National Laboratory for Clean Energy at DICP. Her current research focuses on the advanced catalytic materials synthesized by flame spray pyrolysis (FSP) method. FSP process is a highly promising and versatile technique for the rapid synthesis of nano-stuctural materials without subsequent calcination treatment. The combustion of the aerosol at high temperature followed by rapid quenching produces dispersible nano-sized oxide powders with special properties, such as novel phases, compositions, morphology and metastable structures. It is also a powerful technology for regulation the metal-support interactions in a wide range. This strategy can be applied to the design and fabrication of novel catalysts which may not be easy accessible by conventional processes. She also worked on the development of Pd-based catalytic membrane reactor in the aspects of high efficient nano-sized catalysts and ultrathin Pd membrane with high chemical stability. |